


To assist students in mastering their course content, Natural Sciences Department has three discipline-specific tutoring centers: the BioSpot, ChemSpot,和 GeoSpot. The Spots are located across two buildings: the Chance Academic Center (CAC) and the Chemistry / Geology building (CG). Each of the “Spots” functions as an extension of the classroom, wherein faculty conduct office hours and tutor any student seeking assistance. The Faculty commitment to helping all students in the Spots is something unique to only the Natural Sciences tutoring Centers. The Spots are also open to any student seeking a snack, 一杯免费的咖啡, 或者一个温馨的学习空间.


The BioSpot is the largest of the three “Spots” comprised of three large spaces: a quiet study room that contains four small groups study rooms; a computer classroom with 30 computers available for printing and other student use; and a large communal study space wherein academic discourse is highly encouraged. The BioSpot offers many resources for student checkouts, 比如教科书, 显微镜/幻灯片, 模型, 笔记本电脑, ipod, ipad, 和更多的. 帮助学生集中精力学习, free coffee is provided all-day-everyday and a wide variety of snacks are sold in the BioSpot. 然而, 首要目标是学生的成功, as such the BioSpot’s primary service is to provide students with 同侪教导 and faculty mentoring. Students can schedule peer or faculty tutoring in advance or can be assisted on a walk-in basis, 视情况而定. The BioSpot has been integral in incorporating an academic culture into the lives of those who utilize its services.


The ChemSpot is a tutoring focused study space that many studies describe as a central component to their chemistry success. The ChemSpot is usually abuzz with group study sessions, 化学/数学研讨会, 以及学生和教师之间的互动. 因为辅导是主要的重点, Students can schedule peer or faculty tutoring sessions in advance or can be tutored on a walk-in basis, 视情况而定. The Chemspot is one large study/communal space with plenty of open seating and resources: computers, 教科书, 实验室手册, 导师制定了学习指南. Free coffee is also provided all-day-everyday at the ChemSpot, 还有各种各样的平价小吃.


Students seeking the best quiet study space find the GeoSpot to be the perfect fit, 因为它也是一个地质博物馆. 就像其他的“斑点”,“免费咖啡”, 同侪教导, and faculty mentoring are readily available for students in need. 说到这里, faculty tutoring comprises more than just geology, earth science and astronomy faculty are readily available to assist all students. Though the resources in the GeoSpot are limited to primarily tutoring, cozy space is ideal for students who wish to study without many distractions.


The BioSpot is located in the Chance Academic Center (CAC), Room 350.

The ChemSpot is located in the Chemistry / Geology building (CG), Room 200.

The GeoSpot is located in the Chemistry / Geology building (CG), Room 003.



Hours of operation are Monday through Wednesday, from 8 a.m. 至下午五点半.m.周四早上8点开始.m. 到下午4:30.m. 星期五闭馆.

(Note: Before coming to the BioSpot from somewhere far away, 请, call 210-486-0860 to make sure that the Center is opened. Although rare, sometimes a sudden illness can happen and we are forced to 关闭 earlier.)

请花点时间评估一下. 把它投到生物点的意见箱里.

