Academic Grievances/Integrity/Grade Appeals

Academic Grievances

Faculty are responsible for classroom management, teaching strategies, testing and evaluation of student performance. 在学术机构,冲突可能在教育过程中发展,需要使用学术申诉程序进行学术干预. 当学生的不满不能通过与教师或主席/协调员的信息互动来解决时, 只有当有明确和令人信服的证据表明教师对学生不公平对待时,学生才可以使用学术申诉程序. 学术申诉程序允许未解决的投诉继续从学生转移, to instructor, to division chair, 直到达成共识或最终决定确认或否认申诉由相应的院长.   

For questions about Academic Grievances or Academic Integrity, please contact Sophia Caldera-Castaneda at

Academic Grievance Process

  1. 如果学生认为自己受到了老师的不公平对待, 学生应与导师安排一次会议,试图在事件发生后10天内解决问题.

  2. An Academic Grievance should be completed to document the incident. 在线提交的学术申诉将在学术成功副校长办公室收到. VPAS工作人员将审查申诉并将其转交给部门主席,以确保遵守申诉程序.

  3. If, after a conference with the instructor, the student believes that the matter is unresolved, 他或她可以在学生与导师的会议后5天内与系主任协商.

  4. 主席将单独听取学生和教师的申诉. After hearing both sides, 主席可以要求学生和教师与主席会面,以达成一个可接受的解决方案.

  5. 如果不能达成协议,主席将在5天内确认或否认申诉. 如果决定是确认教师的职位,学生可以向院长上诉. 如果决定是确认学生的不满,并建议教师改变他或她的决定, 主席必须与讲师会面并提供书面解释. To affirm a student grievance, the chairperson must have adequate cause.
  6. 如果学生或讲师对主席的决定不满意, 他或她可以在主席作出决定后5天内向相应的教务长提出申诉. A complete record will be forwarded to the dean by the chairperson. The dean and the chairperson will meet with the student and the instructor. 在听取双方的意见并审查记录后,院长将以书面形式作出决定, affirming or denying the grievance within 5 days.

Academic Grievance Report Form

Academic Grievances Policy:  F.4.6 (Policy) Academic Grievances  

Academic Integrity  

此表格是专为教师谁寻求转介涉嫌违反学术诚信. 只有监督该课程的教员才能提交学术诚信案件. 学生如欲举报涉嫌违反学术诚信的行为,应与负责该课程的教员联系.

Academic Integrity Report Form

Academic Integrity Policy: F.4.2 (Policy) Student Code of Conduct – Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity Procedure: F.4.2.2 (Procedure) Academic Integrity Disciplinary and Appeal Process

Grade Appeals

Service Description:

在线教师负责在线课堂管理和教学策略.  如果学生认为自己受到了老师的不公平对待, the student may require intervention using the academic grievance process.  学术申诉程序允许未解决的投诉继续从学生转移到教师, to division chair, to dean, 直到达成共识,或者由相应的院长作出确认或否认申诉的最终决定. 在线学生将能够通过远程会议完成这一过程, emails, and/or online video conferencing.

Academic Grievance/ Grade Appeal Form

Service Provider:

Vice President of Academic Affairs

            Email Address:

            Main Contact Number: 210-486-0950