
What happens if I fail or drop out of a course?

Failing a course will not affect your GI Bill® benefits, 然而,退课或收到不完整的成绩可能会影响你的福利. 只要你得到一个分数(及格或不及格),VA就不会要求退还你的GI法案®钱..

However, 如果学生退课或退学,退伍军人事务部将立即停止支付这些课程的教育福利,学生可能需要支付该学期已经支付的教育福利. 强烈建议学生立即通知SAC VA办公室提款,以尽量减少超额付款.

在这种情况下,VA将向学生收费,除非学生无法控制的情况导致学生无法继续上学或导致学生减少学分. 这些减轻情节被认为是存在的学生首次下降6个或更少的学分. 第一次退伍后,退伍军人必须向退伍军人事务部证明,减轻情节是导致退伍的原因.
Examples of mitigating circumstances include:

Illness or death in the student's immediate family.
Unavoidable change in the student's conditions of employment.
Unavoidable geographical transfer resulting from the student's employment.
Discontinuance of the course by the school.
Unanticipated active military service, including active duty for training.
如果退伍军人事务部裁定不存在减轻情节,那么该学生将被收取其在该学期获得的任何教育福利(e.g., tuition/fees, living allowance and book stipend).

What happens to the $1,200 buy-in for MGIC (Chapter 30)?

Any veteran who paid the $1,200购买MGIB(第30章)和选择使用后9/11 GI法案(第33章)将退还购买. 买入金或部分买入金将在每月最后一次支付生活费时退还. 如果退伍军人已经使用了他们的一些MGIB(第30章)福利,他们将获得按比例退款. 如果退伍军人在使用他们最后一个月的新《澳门正规博彩十大排行平台》权利时没有收到生活津贴支票,这笔钱将不会退还.

What happens to the $600 buy-up program for the College Fund?

退伍军人事务部规定,个人将不会在9/11后的《澳门正规博彩十大排行平台》(第33章)下获得根据MGIB第30章或REAP(第1607章)支付的额外捐款(600美元购买)的增加金额。. 如果退伍军人选择从Montgomery GI Bill®转移到Post 9/11 GI Bill®,则这600美元将不予退还

How does this affect enlistment/reenlistment kickers and College Fund?

9/11后退伍军人法案®(第33章)的入伍和重新入伍条款将继续适用。. 任何额外的每月津贴将简单地加到每月生活津贴中. For example, 如果退伍军人有权获得200美元/月的入伍津贴和1400美元/月的生活津贴, then that veteran will receive $1,600/month.

退伍军人事务部的最终规定是,如果退伍军人没有获得生活津贴,他们将不会支付足球奖金或大学基金奖金.g., while on active duty or exclusively distance learning). IAVA is actively fighting to reverse the VA's interpretation.

What benefits are available for part-time students?

The Post 9/11 GI Bill pays generous benefits for part time students. For example:

Living allowance: Paid to students who are enrolled more than half-time. 半学期以上一个单元的学生将有资格获得按比例计算的每月生活津贴. For example, 一个学生在一所全日制12学分的学校修7学分, that student will receive 60% of the normal living allowance rate.

Credits % of BAH
12 100%
11 90%
10 80%
9 80%
8 70%
7 60%
6 0%

Book Stipend: The payment will be $41.67 for every credit enrolled, but no more than $1,000 per academic year. (e.g., a student enrolled in 12 units will receive $500 for that academic term).