Real Estate Management

Program Type: Face-to-Face, Fully Online
Program Level: Degrees, Certificates, Online
Department: Business and Entrepreneurship
Institute: Business & Entrepreneurship
College: SAC

What is the Real Estate Management program?

这个项目提供了房地产业务的广泛知识, 准备你获得你的执照在房地产销售或扩大你的职业生涯在该行业.

What will I learn?

You’ll develop the fundamental skills, knowledge, 经验和态度,开始或扩大你的房地产事业. Subjects include principles of real estate, property management, contracts, small business management, marketing and advertising, real estate appraisal, real estate investments, real estate finance and ethics. 你将学习如何创造性地解决问题,批判性地思考和有效地沟通.

What can I do with this course of study?

本课程将为您的职业生涯做好准备,帮助个人和企业买卖房地产,并担任销售的赞助经纪人, leasing and property management. 你将准备好追求你的房地产执照或带来新的技能到你目前的房地产职业角色,如房地产经纪人, real estate management, loan support, property management and sales.

What is special about this program?

无论你是面对面上课还是完全在线上课, 该计划旨在为您提供在房地产行业的许多角色中取得成功所需的技能和专业知识. 一个房地产一级证书课程也可用, preparing you for sales, 18小时的租赁和物业管理课程(也可亲自或完全在线学习).

Degrees and Certificates

Texas Real Estate Commission

成为房地产销售代理的要求可以在trec上查看 website.

View the Requirements 


Credit for Prior Learning

德克萨斯州房地产委员会要求申请人通过六门30小时的课程,并通过州房地产许可考试,以获得德克萨斯州的房地产销售代理许可证. TREC要求的六个类与rele1406相同, RELE 1200, RELE 1311, RELE 1319, RELE 2301)是我们在圣安东尼奥学院获得的一级房地产证书和澳门正规博彩十大排行平台艺术与科学副学士学位. 一旦申请人被TREC批准参加州执照考试并通过考试, 他们将获得德州房地产销售代理执照. 持有当前的销售代理执照(或经纪人执照)表明申请人已通过六门课程并具备相关知识, skills, 现在被称为销售代理. The SLO’s for our Level 1 Certificate of Real Estate and Associate of Applied Arts and Sciences Real Estate Management degree courses match the required competencies tested on the Texas Real Estate Licensing Exam; therefore, 拥有当前德克萨斯州房地产销售代理执照(或经纪人执照)的学生符合要求,可以获得我们一级证书课程的六个课程的先验学习学分(CPL)和澳门正规博彩十大排行平台艺术与科学副学士学位. This process is subject to accreditation.

This document approves awarding of credit for the individual courses based on the previously awarded license/certificate; it does not ensure that credit conferred in this manner will be applied to the credit required for an award. 任何奖项(证书或学位)的任何类型的学分都不能超过75%的学时.

Awarded for Prior Learning:

  • RELE 1311 – Real Estate Law of Contracts
  • RELE 1406 – Real Estate Principles
  • RELE 2301 – Law of Agency

1 of the following:

  • RELE 1303 – Rel Estate Appraisal
  • RELE 1307 – Real Estate Investments
  • RELE 1309 – Real Estate Law
  • RELE 1315 – Property Management
  • RELE 1321 – Real Estate Marketing
  • RELE 2331 – Real Estate Brokerage


  • RELE 1200 – Contract Forms and Addenda
  • RELE 1319 – Real Estate Finance

Contact Us

Dr. Val Calvert
(210) 486-0190