
市场需要的技能 Cover.jpg

市场需要的技能 Week


圣安东尼奥学院致力于让学生在他们的教育旅程中获得市场技能. 市场需要的技能 are mapped to every course at SAC, as well as student services. 每学期有一周是专门的市场技能“闪电战”周,在此期间,整个学院的教师都会展示市场技能, and how they specifically align to their course. Our goal is to build students awareness of 市场需要的技能, 让学生认识到他们是如何获得对大学有益的技能的, 职业生涯, and personal success, as well as increase engagement in their achievement of learning outcomes.


Download 市场需要的技能 Flyer

一个学生, through coursework at 圣安东尼奥学院 and attainment of a degree, will obtain the following marketable skills:


交流: 学生能够有效地口头、书面和/或视觉地传达和理解信息.


  • : Students will individually or collaboratively develop coherent, 以证据为基础的, 有组织的, 使用标准美式英语(或其他适当的语言)进行语法正确的写作, 在适用的情况下,根据文档风格指南,包括适当借用和参考信息的可信和相关来源.
  • 口服学生将单独或合作演示基于口头和非口头元素的适当演讲技巧, 包括音高, 体积, 各种, 流利, 率, 发音, 清晰度, 声音停顿了一下, 眼神交流, 手势, 运动, 活力, 面部表情, 或者视觉辅助.
  • 视觉:学生将单独或合作演示通过正式的视觉交流, 概念上的, 语言, or technical processes to include major 运动s, 期, 艺术家, stylistic characteristics, 艺术作品, or completion of creative works


批判性思维: 一个学生 will explore, 识别, 分析, and evaluate issues, 文档, and circumstances before reaching a conclusion.


  • 分析: Students will 识别, classify or challenge components of an argument/problem.
  • 合成学生将结合和组织证据来展示对论点/问题的更深入的理解.
  • 评价: Students will judge components of an argument/problem according to applicable criteria.
  • 创造力: Students will develop original work through reflection and inquiry.
  • 解决问题: Students will 分析 appropriate evidence within an argument/problem, design and implement logical solutions, or measure the effectiveness of the solutions.


EMPIRICAL AND QUANTITATIVE SKILLS: 一个学生 will gene率, frame, and 分析 data to make informed conclusions.


  • 科学的方法: Students will apply the 科学的方法 to validate or refute an hypothesis.
  • Quantitative 分析学生将通过使用适当的算术来完成定量分析, 代数, 几何, 三角, 概率, or other relevant mathematical operations.
  • 演讲学生将以各种形式呈现实证和定量的结果和结论, 比如表, 图表, 图, 地图, 或方程.


团队合作: 学生将是一个灵活和足智多谋的团队成员,他会看到不同的观点,并与他人合作,以支持共同的目的或目标.


  • 任务管理: Students will manage a group task, such as 识别ing individual and collective responsibilities, developing a task schedule, periodically evaluating progress, rebalancing workloads and individual contributions as needed, or assessing the final outcomes. 
  • Individual Contribution: Students will contribute individually to a team task, to include outlining the project scope, developing a project schedule, periodically evaluating progress, or rebalancing workloads.
  • 合作:学生将与他人合作,将个人贡献整合到团队任务中,以取得成功的结果.


PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: 一个学生 will connect personal choices, 行动 和后果, with a commitment to excellence and success.


  • 自我意识: Students will articulate their own core beliefs and describe their source.
  • 道德学生将根据自己的个人选择检查和评估各种道德规范.
  • Ethical Decision Making学生将考察过去或现在的道德困境,以评估选择, 行动, 和后果.


SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: 一个学生 will build rapport and establish competence within diverse multicultural settings.


  • Historical Perspective学生将分析塑造当今社会的事件、过程和其他因素.
  • Civic Responsibility学生将识别美国政治制度的基础,以及个人和团体在塑造美国民主中的作用和影响.
  • 全球合作学生将确定过去和现在社会之间互动模式的因素,并评估这种互动的影响.
  • Intercultural competency学生将认识到存在于不同社区的多种文化视角的相互作用.
  • 社会正义: Students will examine how societies deal or have dealt with issues of impartiality, 股本, 和道德
  • 环境学生将识别人类活动与环境之间的深层相互关系,以及对环境及其提供的资源进行适当管理的必要性


性能: 学生将通过自我表达的方式进行艺术或技术演示, 语言, 技术, and/or learned skills.


  • 艺术: Students will demonst率 creativity through observation, exploration, or production.
  • 技术: Students will show progress through specialized training, by seeking advice from experts, 通过观察他人, or through production.
  • 语言学生将通过阅读与他人交流来展示语言的流畅性, 写作, 和口语.
  • 动觉学生将通过正式或非正式的演示来展示他们在技能发展方面的进步.


领导: 学生将保持一个富有成效的工作环境,并自信地激励他人达到高绩效标准.


  • 愿景学生将为他们的团队或组织制定一个愿景,并制定一个战略计划来实现这一愿景
  • 行动学生将确定在教师或同伴之间发展共享知识的目标,以完成各种任务或目标.
  • 服务: Students will seek input from diverse viewpoints, critically evaluate all opinions, or clearly explain the rationale behind group/task decision making.
  • 协议: Students will recognize the value of following proper protocols