聚焦系列:博士. 罗德里格斯



在成长过程中. Lori Beth 罗德里格斯 found difficulty navigating her academic life. As a first-generation college student, her experiences shaped her into who she is today as lead instructor of Mexican American Studies at 帕洛阿尔托学院. She uses those experiences to encourage students who may be in similar situations.

"I realize that our students really need support,罗德里格斯说. "If I can share my stories and help them and encourage them, then that's what I try to do."

Shortly after receiving her post doctorate degree, 罗德里格斯 began teaching Mexican American studies at the University of Minnesota. Although she enjoyed her time teaching in the Midwest, she knew her place was back in 圣安东尼奥.

罗德里格斯 joined 帕洛阿尔托学院 in 2016 as an assistant professor and lead instructor of Mexican American Studies and coordinator for the Center of Mexican American Studies – excited to be back where she felt she belonged. "I was very happy when I was offered the position because I felt like this is where I can put all of my experiences,罗德里格斯说. "What I bring to the table would be more useful here at a place that I feel like I can really connect with on a deeper level."

As the coordinator for the Center for Mexican American Studies, 罗德里格斯 plans programming for the 大学's annual Heritage Month celebration. In celebrating the indigenous heritages of South Texas, the celebration includes a series of free events including panel discussions, 作者阅读, 艺术家访问, 和更多的. In curating the events, 罗德里格斯 aims to foster relevant conversations pertaining to the world we live in.

"I try and bring topics that I feel are important for our students and our community to be aware of,罗德里格斯说. "I think it's crucial that we have these conversations."

Heritage Month is an exposé of the things 罗德里格斯 covers in her Mexican American Studies classes.

"It's really great when we talk about it [in class], and then we have a panel we can go to,罗德里格斯说. "[Students] really get into a deeper conversation with professionals in that field who specialize in that area."

All of the work that 罗德里格斯 does at the 大学 is important to keeping the conversation about Mexican American studies going, and she embraces that her job goes beyond the classroom. "It's a lot more than just teaching in the classroom,罗德里格斯说. "It's about always being engaged in the discipline outside and in the community."

Seeing her students' mentalities change about the world keeps 罗德里格斯 inspired.

"Sometimes I get students that will tell me 'I really wouldn't have taken [the class] if i didn't have to take it,' and then they want to become Mexican American Studies majors,罗德里格斯说. "When it's students' lives that change, it's amazing. I really love what I do. 我热爱我的工作."

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