High school students gain college-level experience this summer



There are a variety of ways for high school students to get a leg-up on the competition academically at 帕洛阿尔托学院. 在大学和高中之间, 双重信用伙伴关系, 以及三个不同的TRIO节目, there are many options for students looking for that early college exposure.

今年夏天, nearly 90 students in the TRIO Upward Bound Math-Science (UBMS) program at East Central High School are participating in a six-week summer camp at 帕洛阿尔托学院. 六月的两个星期, about 30 East Central students will be selected to travel to the University of Incarnate Word (UIW) to work on various research projects in chemistry, 物理, 生物学, 和工程. Ten of those students will be selected to stay behind to continue working on group projects into the afternoon.

"These programs are essential because our children are our future,丹尼·贝尔说, TRIO UBMS项目总监. “这些都是特殊的孩子, to take on more school work during a summer when they could be sleeping in, 这是艰难的."

The camp is hosted by the 大学's TRIO UBMS program and East Central students will dive into a variety of STEM-related activities like video game design, 风能, 工程设计, 和更多的. 另外, East Central seniors and recent graduates are able to take a college-level summer course at no cost.

在uw的夏季研究项目中, 学生将参加上午和下午的实验课程, each with different topics that provide students opportunities to analyze and apply the skills necessary to complete experiments. Some of the research topics include analysis of light and its application to 物理 and astronomy; extracting DNA and screening various foods to determine whether they have been genetically modified; and experimenting on samples to simulate potential exposure to a virus.

The 10 students selected to stay for the afternoon sessions will be judged for their work in three categories: overall presentation, 整体研究, 还有他们的研究海报. 在一年一度的夏令营结束宴会上, one group will be selected as the winner for each category and be awarded a trophy, but all participants will receive a certificate and medal. These students will also be awarded a $300 stipend through a STEM supplemental grant.

Aria Metcalf and Amagine Miranda are two recent East Central graduates attending the UBMS camps for the second summer in a row. Last summer, they were selected for the research project portion of the camp at UIW.

"I've always been fond of math and science," said Miranda. "When I heard about the [TRIO] program, I knew it would be a great idea for my future. We're getting college-level experience before we even start our college careers."

Miranda and Metcalf worked on cancer cell research last summer at UIW and won first place for their presentation of their research and first place overall for their work. Because they both just graduated from East Central High School, they aren't eligible to attend the UIW research this summer, but they are grateful for the opportunities they've been given thus far.

"Not many students do that [UIW research] in high school. 我真的很感激。. “只有少数学生被选中... 我们三人组的10个人."

Bell said TRIO programs like UBMS are extremely valuable to students who might be first-generation college students. Some of these students might not have the guidance or advice to see what kind a day in the life of STEM professionals would be like.

"These students are getting a look at what they're going to have next year, 它教会他们在更高的层次上思考,贝尔说. “不管他们是否知道, they're already increasing their chances of getting into graduate school because of this research."

For more information on TRIO UBMS, dual credit, or early college high school programs, please visit 阿拉莫.edu/pac/hsp.