


我们在帕洛阿尔托学院的使命是激励, 授权, and educate our community for leadership and success. This mission statement is manifested through a variety of programs and initiatives at 学院, 比如荣誉项目, where courses challenge students to fully engage with the material, 学院, 他们的社区, 和更多的.

自2017年以来, the 荣誉项目 has grown with the intent to inspire our students and broaden their horizons, and behind every successful program lies the brain, 或者在这个例子中是大脑, 的操作. Tori Beckman-Wilson, director of the 荣誉项目, and Thomas Murguía, 项目助理主任, are the workhorses involved with the honors courses at 学院.

"The [honors] program helps students build confidence in their abilities," said Murguía. "[Beckman-Wilson] and I have been here since the beginning. It was a great opportunity to help build a program for our deserving students."

The program started fairly small with an English and history class, and now offers seven honors-level courses including general sciences, 数学, 和语音.

Beckman-Wilson didn't hesitate to join the program when it started because of the involvement of Dr. Mary-Ellen Jacobs, retired dean of arts and sciences, and fine arts professor Dr. Alba De Leon, who helped build the program in the early phases.

"I would follow those two anywhere," said Beckman-Wilson. "I was inspired by them and wanted to do something new and exciting with our history program here."

Beckman-Wilson develops a new project and lesson plan for her honors history course every semester. Whether it be a focus on women's history, or immigration in the U.S., she always has something new for her students to keep the coursework fresh and engaging.

"It's not the same kind of history everyone remembers growing up with. These students want to be challenged," said Beckman-Wilson. "I don't want to teach the same old stuff they've been learning about throughout their educational careers."

此外,贝克曼-威尔逊和 Murguía are constantly scouting opportunities for students and ways to expand the program. 通过联系学校争取转学协议, 介绍新课程, and working on pathways that lead to other universities' honors programs, the duo are always building up the program and are extremely passionate in doing so.

“这很有挑战性,但也很令人兴奋,”他说 Murguía. "It really invigorates and affirms you as an educator to see these students who are so talented, 兴奋和动力. It's a two-way street, it helps us (too), not just the students."

There are also opportunities to travel to conferences around the country and study abroad. 今年夏天, students from the 荣誉项目 had the opportunity to travel to Ireland as part of two honors courses, 环境生物学与英语II. Students were able to learn about the literal history and natural beauty of the country.

但是贝克曼-威尔逊和 Murguía 说他们不能把功劳都揽在自己身上. 以斯帖 撕裂ón, administrative services specialist for the program, 和玛丽简·加尔扎, 勤工俭学和优等生, 是否曾努力帮助推广该项目.

“这对他们来说是一个安全的空间,”他说 撕裂ón. "Everybody that's in here is an honor student and I work to support them. It's more work, but the classes are small and the faculty are extremely dedicated. 我看到孩子们在这里茁壮成长."

Taking honors courses, or even thinking of taking them, can be intimidating. But Beckman-Wilson said the intent isn't to make these courses harder for students per se, 而是为了让他们变得更好.

"We want to dig in and expose them to more interesting pieces ... research practices that will make them a better student," said Beckman-Wilson.

"Our students are doing things they never dreamed possible. Most of them can't believe the work they accomplish and the types of research and projects they're part of. The biggest goal of our program is simple, 'Yes you can do this, you absolutely can'."

The program will hold an open house on Wednesday, Oct. “荣誉总部”23号,麦地那大厅101室. 有关该计划的更多信息,请访问 www.阿拉莫.edu/pac/honors.