PAC students empowered through arts and literature

10月 30, 2018

Public Relations

Celebrating and sharing student art and literature can offer a glimpse of how students interpret global issues and can provide a rich perspective on their own personal experiences. 帕洛阿尔托 大学 offers many opportunities for students to showcase their creative talents while providing hands-on learning through real-world applications and processes.

The Eleven Rivers Review – 帕洛阿尔托 大学's student literary and arts journal, which launched in 2015 – is produced annually by student writers, 艺术家, and volunteer student editors and provides students an opportunity to learn valuable skills for their portfolios. The journal's name references the history of the 大学, which began with buildings named after rivers in Texas, such as Frio Hall, 瓜达卢佩圣母堂, 和麦地那大厅.

The journal is entirely comprised of 帕洛阿尔托 大学 student submissions, including photography, 插图, 诗歌, 短篇小说, 和更多的. A team of student editors are empowered to curate and edit the content, allowing them to learn the craft of writing and artistic expression while also learning about the publishing and promotion process. Copies of the journals then make their way onto the bookshelves at the 帕洛阿尔托 大学 bookstore to be sold in support of the program.

The first edition of the Eleven Rivers Review was published in 2015, 今年, the Eleven Rivers Review placed second for Best Overall Magazine (Southwestern Division) in the 2018-2019 Community 大学 Humanities Association National Literary Magazine Contest. While 帕洛阿尔托 大学 student writers and 艺术家 have been recognized in previous years for individual awards, this is the first time the journal as a whole has been recognized.

In November, the Eleven Rivers Review will host a special exhibition titled "Eleven Rivers [P]Review", featuring student art and writings selected for the Spring 2019 issue. Student works will be on display in our ProjectSPACE Gallery in Concho Hall from Nov. 12-26, 2018. A free reception with student 艺术家 will be held on Thursday, Nov. 15,下午4点.m. 在画廊里.

Creating a synergy around the arts and providing alternative learning experiences for students can help them realize their potential. For almost 35 years ago, 帕洛阿尔托 大学 has been and continues to be a place of hope for the surrounding community. By serving the needs of students first, the 大学 strives to provide students and the community exceptional learning opportunities, so they may achieve their aspirations for a better life.