Boerne ISD and NVC 美国东部时间ablish Early 大学 High School (P-TECH)




(德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥)——11月11日. 19, 2021 – Boerne ISD and 西北维斯塔学院 are partnering to establish an Early 大学 High School for 网络安全 careers.

Boerne ISD’s Pathways in Technology Early 大学 High School (P-TECH) Academy is a time- and money-saving dual enrollment program with 西北远景学院(NVC) and Boerne Independent School 区 focusing on 网络安全. 

This is the first early college high school for 西北维斯塔学院, and it allows students to earn both high school and college credits within the same courses. Students who successfully complete the program can graduate high school and earn an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Information Assurance and Cyber Security from NVC. Multiple entry-level industry certificates are also available and built into the degree plan. 

“NVC has a long-standing relationship with Boerne ISD through our Dual Credit. The P-TECH Academy offers additional opportunities for students for entry-level high-tech jobs in 圣安东尼奥 and prepares them for a university transfer in that career track,雷士公司总裁李博士说. Ric下贱的.

使用原子吸收系统, students will be ready to pursue a bachelor’s degree and can immediately get a job in the computer technology industry. Work-based skills learned through the NVC Information Assurance and Cyber Security program include how to install security software, 监控网络是否存在安全漏洞, 应对网络攻击, and gather data and evidence to be used in cybercrime.

毕业后, a student with an AAS can immediately work in an entry-level computer technology industry job. 2020年,网络安全分析师平均有16个.3 percent jump in salary over the previous year, according to IT trade magazine, 雷德蒙.

The built-in certificates help with faster employment and higher salaries, 也, 包括计算机取证, 网络安全, 网络, 和Linux. Students can choose to take national exams for network security certification, which could lead them to earn up to five credentials and increase their marketability as they graduate high school. Students in NVC’s Information Assurance and Cyber Security typically take eight classes to get the Level 1 certificate.

Evidence shows that “Early 大学 students were more likely than their peers to earn a college degree” reports AIR. The biggest benefit for students enrolled in the P-TECH Academy are courses come with zero tuition costs, 免除了两年的大学债务. 在圣安东尼奥, 这意味着可以节省近22美元,000 in tuition and fees alone at a public university.

The personal benefits for students in P-TECH are high. 拥有副学士学位的学生, 或者已经获得学士学位的人, 能从224美元起赚,000 to $392,000 more over their lifetimes than a person without a degree, 根据赫辛格报告.

To learn more about Boerne ISD’s Pathways in Technology Early 大学 High School (P-TECH) Academy, 访问:


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西北远景学院(NVC), 是澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区的一部分, 被指定为西班牙裔服务机构. The college opened in 1995 with 12 students and has grown to one of the largest institutions of higher education in 圣安东尼奥 and the region with current enrollment exceeding 19,000名学生. 位于韦斯特多佛山, NVC’s expanding agreements with business and higher education partnerships provide a wealth of opportunities for students and the community.