
You can make a difference at Northwest Vista College

When you give to NVC, you give back to your community. Together we can enrich the lives of local students through new academic programs, scholarships and facilities.

Our graduates help shape the future of San Antonio and are the driving force behind the next generation of successful professionals. 现在有了你们的支持,我们可以继续帮助澳门正规博彩十大排行平台为负责任的社区领袖.

We appreciate you

我们感谢您对西北远景学院的支持,并邀请您加入我们 Creating Opportunities for Success.

How to Give

How can you make a donation?


If you prefer to make a donation by telephone, we will be happy to help you. 


You may give to NVC online by going to the Alamo Colleges (District) Foundation Give to NVC webpage.

您可以选择捐赠给雷士普通奖学金基金或雷士最需要的地方基金. You may also write in the name of the fund to which you would like to contribute. 注意:年度基金的指定将使您能够向澳门正规博彩十大排行平台基金会捐款, rather than NVC.

Ways to Give

Which gifts really make a difference? Any of these that are listed below:

Direct Gifts

直接(现金)捐赠可以一次性捐赠,也可以在指定期限内质押支付.  你可以在How to Give中找到直接给雷士捐赠的信息. 

雷士公司员工每年都可以向澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区员工回馈活动捐款. 捐赠者可以通过澳门正规博彩十大排行平台(地区)基金会、圣安东尼奥联合之路和贝尔县机构以及该基金的艺术和文化组织来支持NVC奖学金和项目.

Pledged Gifts

Some donors prefer to make a commitment to NVC with a pledge of $250 or more, payable over a period of months or years. 承诺书的条款和付款可与机构发展总监讨论. For more information, call 210-486-4951.


Matching Gifts

如果你的雇主支持配对礼物计划,你可以将你给雷士的礼物加倍甚至三倍. 关于配对礼物的信息通常可以从你雇主的人力资源部获得. 雷士机构发展的工作人员可以帮助您确定您的公司是否参与慈善捐款匹配计划,并协助您完成任何必要的文书工作.

Gifts of Physical Assets

西北远景学院将根据具体情况接受不动产和个人财产的赠与. Real estate gifts can be in the form of undeveloped property, a personal residence or farm, rental property, or commercial property. 这些财产的捐赠人有权根据其评估价值扣除所得税.


Personal Property 有价值的个人财产也可以捐赠给雷文公司,捐赠人可以按其评估价值扣除所得税.

Gifts in Kind Northwest Vista College accepts gifts of equipment, materials, 以及可用于支持我们对学生和卓越教学的承诺的服务.

If you are interested in making a donation of real estate, personal property, or a gift-in-kind to NVC, please call 210-486-4951. 

Planned Gifts

计划捐献使捐赠者能够以补充其纳税的方式对雷士公司作出实质性的捐献, financial, or estate plans. In planned giving, benefits to the giver may be immediate, while actual transfer of assets may be deferred. Examples of planned gifts include the following:

* Bequests 

* Life insurance 

* Charitable gift annuity 

* Charitable remainder trust 

* Charitable lead trust 

有计划的礼物通常是通过咨询遗产或财务规划师来安排的.  我们很乐意与您和您的财务顾问讨论,设计最有利的捐赠方式给雷士.


捐赠是通过根据澳门正规博彩十大排行平台(地区)基金会政策投资的金钱或财产的馈赠来创建的. 本金收益提供可支出的资金,以支持指定的活动. The principal remains intact and may be added to over time. 

Endowed gifts leave a powerful legacy. 它们是对捐赠者的兴趣和慷慨的永久的、活生生的纪念,通过:

  • Scholarship endowments
  • Professional development opportunities for faculty and staff
  • Special programming such as film or lecture series
  • Equipment and facilities enhancements or updates
  • Awards to recognize student, faculty, or staff accomplishments

The minimum gift required to establish an endowment fund is $20,可以一次性赠与,也可以质押并分一年或几年支付. To start an endowment or to obtain additional information on starting an endowment, please contact NVC Institutional Advancement, at 210-486-4951.