
标题: Instructor of Speech Communication
部门: 社会科学
办公室: JH 213度
电话: 210-486-4272 Ext: 64272


研究所:  有创意的 & 沟通的艺术


M.A. | Communication Studies | St. 玛丽的大学

B.A. | 沟通的艺术 | University of Incarnate Word




20-years teaching experience in speech communications. Because I am the curious and versatile individual that I am, I have active experience within other professions. I have worked as an editor, a professional grader of standardized tests, 自由撰稿人, an instructor of English when living overseas, and countless other jobs that helped sustain me when I needed.


Back in 2001, I was hired at NVC to teach mass communication and speech communication. Since then I have devoted my time to teaching here in varying capacities: adjunct and full-time temporary. During my adjunct years, I also taught Fundamentals of Oral Communication at St. Mary’s University, where I had previously earned a Master’s degree in Communication Studies. Then in Fall 2012, I was hired full-time as an instructor of speech communication, here at NVC. Teaching in the speech communication discipline is where I feel most productive, as it is my area of specialization and where I feel I can contribute the most to my students’ potential growth. I can honestly say that studying human communication has been a love of mine for most of my life. I even remember being selected to peer tutor at the University of the Incarnate Word when I was completing my undergraduate studies. Now here I am, so many years later officially teaching in my discipline, and I love it. Because I am the curious and versatile individual that I am, I have active experience within other professions. I have worked as an editor, a professional grader of standardized tests, 自由撰稿人, an instructor of English when living overseas, and countless other jobs that helped sustain me when I needed. All paths, though, have led me here. Life on a college campus, surrounded by people who all want to do better for themselves, has always appealed to me and I am happiest when engaging others on their path towards personal and professional growth.