
Celebrate 29 Years with VISTA!

今年, 2024, 西北维斯塔学院庆祝在圣安东尼奥社区创造成功机会29周年. 该学院位于圣安东尼奥发展最快的地区之一,每年继续为数千名寻求高等教育的学生提供服务. 


  • 签证中心 was established in 1994
  • Classes began in the fall of 1995 at partner sites, including the Northside Independent School 区.
  • Enrollment that first semester was 12 students.
  • In 1998, 签证中心 opened its first building.
  • The first graduating class was in 1998 and had 20 graduates.
  • In the 2008-09 academic year, 签证中心 opened five new buildings.
  • In 2012, 签证中心 was nationally recognized by the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program.
  • 2014年,Dr。. Jackie Claunch retired and Ric Baser became 签证中心 President.
  • In 2018:
    • 签证中心 held its 20th 毕业 ceremony.
  • In 2020: 
    • 签证中心 is currently the third largest higher education institution in 圣安东尼奥.
    • 雷士排名第1. 1 community college in Texas and No. 6 in the nation on the 2019 Best 大学 in America list released by Niche, 一个拥有5000万用户的领先平台,寻找美国K-12学校和大学的信息.S. 该排名基于美国大学的学术、招生、经济援助和学生生活数据.S. 以及来自学生和校友的数百万关于价值的评论, 学者, campus life and other factors important to students.
    • 雷士排名第1. 2 among the best community college in Texas by Best大学.com  for key performance indicators including acceptance, 保留, 毕业, 招生 rates and loan default percentages as a measure of graduates’ success.
    • 雷士排名第1. 根据西班牙裔教育展望杂志的入学和学位完成数据,美国有4所西班牙裔社区大学.
    • 雷士被美国国家员工与组织发展研究所(NISOD)和《高等教育多元化》杂志评为2018年“社区学院最有前途的工作场所”. 雷士是从美国300多所符合资格的大学中选出的18所大学之一. 签证中心是德克萨斯州五所大学之一,也是今年唯一一所在圣安东尼奥和澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区获得该奖项的大学.
    • More than 17,000 students enrolled at 签证中心.
    • Dr. Ric Baser is the college’s current president.
  • 2020年,签证中心成为澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区第一所建立SALUTE退伍军人荣誉协会当地分会的学院.
  • 在2020年和2021年,雷士被美国国家工作人员和组织发展研究所(NISOD)和“高等教育多元化:问题”杂志评为“社区学院最有前途的工作场所”.
  • In 2021, 签证中心 held its 23rd commencement ceremony.
  • 2021年获奖情况:
    • 2021年最佳大学.com
    • #4 – 西北维斯塔学院
    • #10 -帕洛阿尔托学院
    • 18 – St. 菲利普的大学
    • 2022小.com
    • #2 – 西北维斯塔学院
    • #7 -帕洛阿尔托学院
    • #11 – St. 菲利普的大学
    • #21 – 圣安东尼奥学院
  • 2021 – 签证中心 named to the list of Top 150 U.S. 并有资格参加阿斯彭社区学院卓越奖的竞争.
  • 2022年,博士. Rick Baser retired and Debbie Gaitan became Interim 签证中心 President.
  • In 2022, 雷思为雪松榆树STEM中心(CESC)大楼揭幕,并获得圣安东尼奥建筑师协会(AIA)教育场所奖.
  • 2023年. Amy Bosley became 签证中心 President.
  • 2023 – 签证中心 invited to compete for the Aspen Prize for 社区 大学 Excellence.
  • 2024 -雷士命名号. 3 .智能.com's Best 社区 大学 in Texas.

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在过去的29年里, 签证中心, which held its first classes in 1995 with 12 students, 已经增长到16个,2018年在校学生752人,已毕业学生数千人,获得副学士学位, associate of science degrees, associate of applied science degrees and certificates. The Desert Willow Welcome Center *DWWC) and Texas Ash 停车 Garage, 2020年开业, 将提供咨询服务, 招生, and all 学生服务, The Cedar Elm STEM Center (CESC) Building, 2023年开业, will provide more academic space. 这些额外的建设项目和其他项目将帮助雷士容纳2万名学生.

俯瞰签证中心近三十年来, 签证中心 has been honored for its commitment to student learning, 建议, and the preservation of campus nature, along with regional and national top rankings by Best 大学.com和Niche.com. 2007年,该学院因“实现持续卓越绩效的榜样”而获得德克萨斯州卓越绩效奖,也是澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区获得2018年马尔科姆·鲍德里奇国家质量奖的一部分,这是一项总统级别的荣誉,是高等教育机构在创新方面的卓越表现所能获得的最负盛名的荣誉, 效率, 和领导能力.

签证中心最近是有资格获得2019年阿斯彭社区大学卓越奖的150所学院之一, the country’s signature recognition of top achievement and performance in learning, certificate and degree completion, 少数族裔和低收入家庭学生的就业和收入以及高水平的机会和成功. The college has been invited to apply for the award in 2021 and in 2023, currently competing for the 2025 award.

It all began in 1994 when World Savings donated 111.9 acres and the 阿拉莫大学 区 purchased 25.5英亩,217,000美元. 一年后, 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区董事会批准了第四所学院的成立,后来又批准了学院的名称, chosen from 258 ideas submitted by community residents. The first phase of construction of the current 签证中心 campus began the following year.

By the first commencement ceremony, held in 1998 at the University of Incarnate Word, there were 20 graduates and 招生 had increased to more than 1,500.

签证中心湖签证中心 went from having three buildings in 1998 to having 11 in 2009, 随着学院的扩展,包括更多的教室和校园中央的一个湖. When the modern two-story 50,占地5000平方英尺的沙漠柳树欢迎中心和德州灰烬停车场将于今年春天开放, the campus will have its twelfth building and second parking garage.

雷士不断成长,并通过创新的大学实践服务于我们的学生和社区, 比如通过AlamoPROMISE为许多地区的高中毕业生提供免费教育, an 阿拉莫大学 区 initiative.

About 西北维斯塔学院: 阿拉莫大学 - 西北维斯塔学院 opened in 1995 with 12 students. 目前, 入学人数超过16人,000 students who are pursuing associate degrees and certificates, as well as transferring to four-year institutions. Located in Westover Hills, 西北远景学院与商业和高等教育合作伙伴不断扩大的协议为学生和社区提供了丰富的机会. 



To learn about getting an associate degree at 签证中心, 点击这里.