NLC Cares


东北湖景学院致力于为我们的社区提供优质的客户服务. 我们希望得到您的反馈以改进服务. 请填写以下客户服务投诉表格,向我们反馈您的体验:

Complaint Form

东北湖景学院致力于尽可能高效和有效地解决投诉. 我们相信,提供一个听取投诉的机制,使我们有机会改善我们的服务.


Grievance Procedures

申诉程序规定了一个行政程序,在这个程序中学生, 教师和学术人员可以寻求解决他们的纠纷.  These disputes may be academic or non-academic.  

Academic Grievance

Faculty is responsible for classroom management, teaching strategies, testing, and evaluation of student performance. At academic institutions, 冲突可能在教育过程中发展,需要使用学术申诉程序进行学术干预. 当学生的投诉不能通过与教师或主席/协调员的非正式互动来解决时, 指导学生通过提交学生学术申诉表格来使用学术申诉程序.

Non-Academic Grievance Form

非学术申诉政策为认为自己受到澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区员工不公正待遇的学生提供了补救措施. 这项政策不适用于有关经济援助资格的决定, student disciplinary actions, or academic matters.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Incident Reporting Form 


澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区制定了学生行为准则来管理学生纪律处分程序. The Student Code of Conduct describes prohibited behaviors, potential sanctions for violations of the Code of Conduct, and the process for adjudicating alleged violations. 所有学生都有责任熟悉学生行为准则. The Student Code of Conduct can be found online:







Title IX - Sexual Misconduct

Title IX Reporting Form 


第九条是一项联邦法律,禁止对接受联邦财政援助的教育机构的雇员和学生进行性别歧视. 第九条禁止歧视包括性骚扰和关系暴力行为.  东北湖景学院不容忍性别歧视, sexual harassment, or sexual violence of any kind. To ensure compliance with Title IX, 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台在每个学院指定了一名地区第九章协调员和一名副第九章协调员.

Academic Integrity

SOBI Incident Report
SOBI Quick Guide
SOBI Employee/Student Guide
澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区的行为干预策略(SOBI)政策是为了指导我们的学院社区认识到这一点而制定的, prevent and respond to incidents that are disruptive, threatening, or violent.

Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • signs of harassment
  • intimidation
  • extreme anxiety
  • depression
  • threatening harm
  • erratic behavior, or
  • disconnect from reality

When in doubt, please report!

More often, faculty and staff will observe and report at-risk behaviors; however, students are encouraged 审查SOBI指南,并向SOBI响应小组报告有关行为.

东北湖景学院SOBI响应小组由负责学生成功的临时副校长以及 校园辅导员,残疾专家和校园警察.