
项目类型: 面对面,完全在线
项目级别: 度,在线
部门: 科学与运动学
研究所: 科学 & 技术
大学: 缴送工作

What is 理学副学士?

The 理学副学士 is designed to align 关闭ly with the first half of a BS degree.  Students should follow the pre-major AS to BS Transfer Advising Guide for the major and university selected.  The Transfer Advising Guides are developed in conjunction with the senior institution to which the student plans to transfer.


Much of your coursework will fulfill general education requirements, including core requirements.  Students will also take courses that focus on the areas of science and math.  Upon completing the Associates of 科学 degree requirements at 东北湖景学院, 学生将演示:

  • 创造性思维, 创新, 调查, 以及分析, 评价, 信息的合成.
  • 有效的开发, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication.
  • the ability to manipulate and analyze numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.
  • the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.
  • the ability to utilize current technology to collect and analyze empirical, 定量, and qualitative data to promote understanding of scientific and mathematical concepts.
  • the ability to apply and effectively communicate scientific knowledge and its relationship to real-world applications.

What can I do with this course of study?

理学副学士 programs provides the fundamentals for students wishing to pursue an education in a medical or science-related field. Coursework is designed to prepare to transfer to a university.

What's special about the 理学副学士?

Students are exposed to the fundamentals needed to excel in science-related career fields


The 理学副学士 degree is designed to align 关闭ly with the first half of the Bachelors of 科学 Degree.


♦ This symbol indicates the offering is also 完全在线提供.