

Tailar Kai Matthews Memorial Scholarship

点击 Here to Download the Scholarship Flyer

Application Process

taiar Kai Matthews于2018年5月毕业于西北远景学院心理学专业. 她继续攻读学士学位,主修心理学, from the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥 in 2020, 随后,她攻读了社会工作专业的硕士学位, from the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥 in 2023. Tailar did a lot of things on her academic journey, three of these things were being helpful, 被给了, and being voracious—when it came to her reading. 泰拉·凯·马修斯纪念奖学金表彰这三件事.

Who can apply?
全日制或兼职西北维斯塔学院学生,任何专业2.0 or higher grade-point-average may apply.

Scholarship Award Procedure:
由泰拉凯马修斯纪念奖学金委员会选出, 每年春季学期的4月23日(世界图书和版权日)将颁发两份250美元的泰拉凯马修斯纪念奖学金。.

Writing Requirement:
如果你正在申请泰拉凯马修斯纪念奖学金, then you will be writing an essay of less than 1,(1)哪本书对你的生活产生了最大的积极影响? 分享这本书的细节和它的积极影响. (2)获得泰拉·凯·马修斯纪念奖学金者, what would you do to have a positive impact on others?

申请人应在提交论文时附上求职信,其中包括申请人的Banner ID, student email address, and personal email address to:
Dr. Don Lucas at dlucas@holinginvestmentgroup.com

April 5, 2024, by 1 pm.


New Braunfels MLK Non-Traditional Scholarship


Find the 为m at the following link:

Deadline is April 30, 2024



Foundation 奖学金 2024-2025

Application is 现在打开. 点击 在这里 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台.


澳门正规博彩十大排行平台(地区)基金会奖学金申请是 现在打开 为 academic year 2024-2025. 被选中获得奖学金的学生将通过电子邮件收到通知.

Deadline: May 15, 2024

For more detailed instructions, 常见问题的, and in为mation on the application essays and processes, 参观 Alamo 大学 (区) Foundation webpage.


Annual / Cyclical 奖学金

康复中心.org 大学 奖学金

的康复.Org奖学金获得者每年春季和秋季都会公布. 请访问 http://rehabs.org/scholarship/ to see the results.


  • Must be currently enrolled or planning to attend college
  • 如果目前正在上大学,则不得留校察看
  • Deadline 为 submission is January 1 / August 1
  • Scholarship winners announced on January 15 / August 15

All details can be found 在这里: http://rehabs.org/scholarship/


Goldwater Scholarship - Every September


Goldwater奖学金支持对自然科学研究事业感兴趣的优秀学生, 数学, and engineering. 奖学金用于支付本科生的学费, 费用, 书, and room and board up to $7,500 per academic year 为 up to 2 years.

Download the Flyer!

Application Opens: First Tuesday in September

For more in为mation, contact Dr. 普拉卡什奈尔
(210) 486-4397



援助 & Related Programs


访问 Alamo 大学 区 Student 领导 Institute (SLI) 

NVC CaTS (Career and Transfer Services) Center)

访问我们的 NVC CaTS Center to learn more about career exploration, career planning, academic advising, 工作准备, access to college and scholarship in为mation, 和更多的.

Northwest Vista 大学 Digital 媒体 Student Fund

西北远景学院数字媒体学生基金为雷士数字媒体学生提供学费援助标准:•作为全日制或非全日制学生参加雷士. •目前注册为数字媒体学生,或已获得数字媒体学位或证书,并完成核心课程转入四年制大学. • Must have and maintain a cumulative 3.0的绩点. •必须写一篇文章,说明他们在数字媒体领域的未来目标,以及他们将如何利用他们的数字媒体知识来影响当地的劳动力需求.

奖学金在每年的春季和秋季学期颁发,奖励金额和数量取决于可获得的资金. 欲了解更多信息和申请,请联系数字媒体项目协调员Viviane Marioneaux vmarioneaux@holinginvestmentgroup.com

金融援助: Paying 为 大学

访问我们的 金融援助 网站查找有关学生金融服务,国家援助和其他项目的信息. For more in为mation about Paying 为 大学, click Tuition and Fees 以及 Paying 为 Your Bill.